Sunday, January 27, 2008

A 50 Mile Day

Cold again today, but weather is but an excuse I suppose, so despite not being able to wake up early enough to go on an organized long ride, I still made it onto the road. I traveled, as the title suggests, a bit more than 50 miles under my own power. That's not a big deal really, a lot of my longer rides are at least 50 miles, but today I rode only about 37 miles. That means I ran 13+ miles! I'm a bit surprised at myself. In retrospect, I think it was somewhat foolish, as there was a good chance that was too long a distance, and the risk of injury was probably unnecessarily high, but alas. I must say it did hurt a bit, but I never felt tired or dehydrated. I finished fairly strong as well.

Passing the 13.1 half marathon distance in a run is definitely a confidence builder. I feel like I'll be well prepared for the full marathon at the end of March, so long as I keep from overtraining and getting injured.

Tomorrow its the second of two sessions with a trainer, and then a recovery spin (hard to do with a room full of people looking for bicycle sadomasochism as doled out by the instructor). Hopefully I'm not going to be waking up too sore tomorrow.

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