Saturday, January 19, 2008

The wonders of technology

Saturday = endurance. In fact, I spend 4 hours cycling or running today. I'm now rather tired. It's been pretty chilly here today, so I was surprised I'd make it out, but the prospect of a colder Sunday and the chance to test out a new toy - a Garmin GPS/heart rate monitor - pushed me to go long. The amazing thing is not just seeing heart rate over time, but being able to plot it and analyze each work out. For example, if you're curious, here's the ride and the run. I've never really used a heart rate monitor much before, so I'm not entirely sure what my max is, and where I should be training. Clearly, I have more bike fitness than run fitness, as my hr stayed almost 30 bpm lower.

I'll post more data over time, hopefully making it easy to plot improvement.

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