Thursday, February 28, 2008

A brand new knee

Well, that's what it feels like anyhow. After getting a few pointers from the PT last week, I leaned a bit farther forward, kept my hips up, and focused on striding through with my right leg, and it worked! No pain, no soreness the next day, just good hard running. Here's the track. I can't think of every having a better long run. As a comparison, I did a similar run (although albeit with a bigger hill) in january at a 8:17 mile pace for 8.34 miles but a heart rate of 168 BPM. This run, 10.68 miles at 8:23 pace at a heart rate of 160. So, presumably that's some solid fitness improvement.

On the subject of the physical therapist, I went back today and had my shoulder worked on. I hyper extended my shoulder when I was 14 and haven't had it looked at for... 16 years. In maybe 7 minutes of massage, she fixed it. Amazing.

Now that my shoulder and knee are much improved, it's time to start going hard.

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