Sunday, February 24, 2008

The band tightens

Another busy week and very little posting. Perhaps of note, I ran three times this week, which is a lot for me. Unfortunately, it's also a lot for my IT band on my right leg, and that's been a sore spot. I've been doing some work with a foam roller and along with rest I think I'm healing. I also went to see a physical therapist who told me a few things about my posture and gait that I had not noticed on my own. One big thing that I did notice on my own though is that I instinctively run with a very narrow posture with my feet crowded under my hips rather than directly under them. So I've widened it a bit and I try to bring my hips up to engage the glutes and that seems to help.
Basically, the problem is that I'm fit enough to run myself into the ground.

My last run was relatively fast - I maintained a 7:58 pace over 9 mile distance. Not bad, huh?

In other news, I got a new bike. As a result, I think I may cancel plans for the Ironman Talk training camp because the airfare is just ridiculous.

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